West Orange Public Library: Policy on DVD Borrowing
1.1 The West Orange Public Library ("The Library") maintains a varied collection of DVDS for the use of its patrons. The Library permits borrowng of it's DVDs solely for noncommercial, private use. Federal law imposes severe civil and criminal penalties for unauthorized reproduction, distribution, and exhibition of copyrighted videocassettes or DVDs.
1.2 Patrons may borrow at one time up to three (3) new DVDs for up to seven(7) days. Patrons may also borrow older DVDs for up to 14 days. Patrons must check out DVDs at the circulation desk and may return them either at the circulation desk or in the book drop.
1.3 Special Rule Regarding Children's DVDS. Patrons may borrow up to three (3) children's new DVDs for up to seven (7) days.
1.4 A daily overdue fine of $1 applies to DVDs, with a maximum late charge of $20 for each overdue movie.
1.5 Patrons are responsible for the full retail replacement cost of each lost DVD. Patrons who fail to return DVDs in the rental collection within eight (8) weeks will be responsible for the full retail replacement cost of each item.
1.6 No DVDs from the NEW colleciton may be reserved.
1.7 ReBL borrowers may not borrow new DVDs or items in the rental collection.
1.8 The Library offers DVDs that may, in the view of some patrons, be offensive to themselves or inappropriate for their children. The Library affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material. The Library also affirms the right and repsonsibility of parents and legal guardians o0f minor children to determine and monitor their own children's use of Library materials and resources.
1.9 Patrons or guardians who wish to restrict their children's borrowing of DVDs should accompany their children to the Library. The Library does not monitor or supervise the borrowing of DVDs by minors. The Library does not act in loco parentis; it does not take the place of parents or guardians in deciding what children may read or view.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, January 24, 2002
Revised May 26, 2005, Revised March 22, 2012, Revised May 15, 2015, Revised January 2016, Revised January 2020 Revised August 4th, 2022