Bulletin Board Policy

West Orange Public Library: Bulletin Board Policy

1.1 In the interest of advancing its mission of making available to the West Orange community the broadest range of material concerning matters of education, recreational, and cultural interest, the West Orange Public Library ("the Library"), subject to the conditions set forth below, offers free, open, and equal access to its bulletin board.

1.2 In permitting use of its bulletin board for public notices, the Library gives first priority to the notices issued by the Library, followed by notices issued by other West Orange Township public agencies. When the bulletin board is not needed for these purposes, the Library gives priority to notices announcing programs or events sponsored by West Orange organizations.

1.3 All notices posted on the bulletin board, other than notices issued by the Library or another West Orange Township public agency, shall publicize programs or events open to the public.

1.4 The Library will not post notices related to the following activities:

(a) commercial activities or presentations during which products or services will be sold or promoted or names solicited for the future sale or promotion of products or services; and

(b) recruitment of personnel or enrollees by any branch of the armed forces, by any educational insitution, or by any other entity.

1.5 The Library will not accept handwritten notices or notices on paper that is ripped or torn.

1.6 The Library will not accept notices on paper that is larger than 8 1/2 x 17.

1.7 The Library will post notices submitted by nonpublic organizations for up to one week.

1.8 All notices must set forth the name of the sponsoring organization and provide the name and telephone number of an individual whom interested parties can contact.

1.9 Organizations seeking to post notices on the bulletin board must bring a copy of the notice to the Administration Office. The Library Director will permit posting of notices on a first-come, first-served basis and in accordance with the priorities established in paragrah 1.2 above. The Library Director will not permit posting of notices if there is insufficient space or if the notice conflicts with the rules and restrictions set forth in this policy.

1.10 The Library will discard notices posted without authorization.

1.11 Except for notices issued by the Library, posting of a notice on the bulletin baord does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by the Library.